To our TOGSA Family,

The bravery and courage our daughter KJ has shown this week has been fortified by your texts, cards, gifts, and constant inquiries about her status.  KJ’s prognosis is very optimistic.  If all goes well in the coming days, she will be on the road to a full recovery.  Knowing how adored KJ is by her teammates, coaches, and greater TOGSA Family makes Mom and Dad so proud, and a sobbing mess at times.  

I believe this week has taught us more about “community” than any other moment of our existence as a family.  The outpouring of support, the generosity of not just friends and teammates, but even those in our league whom we have not met, and outside our league who do not play, has been the pinnacle example of what we strive to be -- a “good human”.  

We are all so incredibly lucky to have this community we call TOGSA.  We may not be the biggest league around, but we make up for that by weaving a close knit, caring, concerned, and generous community that takes care of each other through thick and thin.  We should all feel very proud of this community.  When someone asks you “Why TOGSA?”, you can tell them “Because if you look past the wins and losses column, there is a community that supports its players like family, helping them grow to be better softball players, amazing athletes, and good humans.”    

On behalf of our family – KJ, Hannah, Cody, Jaime, and me, thank you.  Thank you for all you have done for us.  It is so important to us you know this.  This would be a completely different situation if it wasn’t for this incredible community.  We look forward to seeing you out on the fields, at games and tournaments, and everywhere in between.    


The Nichols Family


Want to Contribute? [MEALS] or [DONATIONS] to support KJ and the Nichols family